Congratulations to all the amazing and talented actors who turned out to receive gongs at the National Television Award (NTA) presented by none other by my numero uno British presenter Mr Dermot O’Leary. As far as I have always been concerned, should my opinion count, Dermot is always a winner in every show. His style,wardrobe and stage presence speaks volumes.
The stars turned up at the 02 Arena London in the crowning glory of the television year. They glue us to our sofas, turn us into couch potatoes,make us scream,shout,cry,laugh,kick,pick up weight as we munch on our favorite calorific providers and auto record to never miss an episode on our bestest television show.
Here with some of the best outfits of the stars.Hope your fav show won as Eastenders did it for me. Yes you heard me Eastenders is my weakest link