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Mammypi is my childhood nickname: one I’ve grown to love since those close to me refer to me by this cherished alias. When you say Mammypi I know you know me – as I know you.
Thanks for stopping by today to check out a few facts about Mammypi Fashion Blog. My friends and those close to me call me Mammypi, although I was christened Hilda. I saw the light of the day in Victoria, Cameroon; I became me after my teenage years living in West London. Now I know who I am: I’m comfortable in my own skin. I qualified as a Journalist with a penchant for fashion & photography. My love for media & communications was triggered as a child in the mid-eighties when I was inspired by a chorus of renowned Cameroonian talents on the airwaves, notably Enanga Kebi & Jessie Atogho. I polished my writing skills when I worked on The Post – a leading newspaper published out of Buea, nestling in the foothills of Mount Cameroon. My family have a flair for journalism; reflected in the fact that they founded Cameroon Post. The first English language newspapers in the country. Writing is in my blood but fashion is my religion. Social media has exerted a game-changing influence in recent years, consequently, I decided to go with the flow and move to online journalism hence the birth of About Mammypi Fashion Blog. Here, I am free to showcase talent through creative writing: the focus is on showcasing my fashion style and sharing with the rest of the world. Focusing on fashion and accessories, I believe that content is key. So, I aim to offer a unique view which you will not be able to find elsewhere. This approach underpins powerful brand advocacy and a real relationship with customers worldwide If you would like your business or event to be featured on our site, use the contact form and you’ll be guaranteed a speedy reply. Once again, thanks for stopping by. I value your time and support. What’s more, I hope to sustain a dialogue with you through our regular monthly updates. Simply click on the subscribe option on this website and follow us.