Vin Diesel said the event was really to encourage the future of Scientist and to celebrate the scientist that we so often overlook the contributions scientist make. This is what Mark Zuckerberg had to say:
Yuri Milner and I established the Breakthrough Prize five years ago with the belief that our society should celebrate the scientists who advance our understanding of the world as much as we celebrate our actors, athletes and entrepreneurs.
Tonight, Vin Diesel and I presented the Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences to Dr. Stephen Elledge. His groundbreaking work on how DNA regulates, repairs and re-codes itself is part of the path to cure all diseases. We need to support scientists like him around the world.
[su_quote cite=”MARK ZUCKERBERG”]Science is as recognised in our society as the athletes, the actors and the entrepreneurs and people who people write about a lot more[/su_quote].
[su_quote cite=”Vin Diesel”]We both think in global terms, what Facebook does is allow the world to communicate together in a way nothing else does. And it’s the real agent of change.[/su_quote]
Watch the full Facebook Live video on Mark Zuckerbergs Facebook page.
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